Sunday, August 22, 2010

I'm leaving my husband and it hurts so bad. Any word of advice? Please read below.?

We've been married for 2 1/2 years and have 2 daughters. He's cheated on me 2x and I can' trust him anymore. We've been trying to make it work since the last time he did it but I can't forgive him and I'm just so unhappy. It hurts so bad. I still love him I think but I can't stand him. Please, I need some strength from the women here. I need help.I'm leaving my husband and it hurts so bad. Any word of advice? Please read below.?
First, you have to understand that you are going through the grieving process which is one of the most painful things a human being can go through. Although your husband is still alive, your idea of him is dead. If you thought he was capable of doing this, you probably wouldn't have married him.

Be kind to yourself. Devote yourself to your children. And know you're doing your daughters a favor. You are teaching them not to settle for a crappy marriage. They're young but believe it or not, it's easier for them at their age.

Good luck. Don't be afraid to take the time you need to heal. Your husband was a jerk and whatever you do, don't let him break your spirit. Your children need you.I'm leaving my husband and it hurts so bad. Any word of advice? Please read below.?
all i can tell you is that at any bookstore there are books that explain why men cheat. it is usually not about you at all. maybe if you read a couple of them it would help you understand what is going on with him. i wish it could work out for you cause of the kids and all. the books are in the marriage section and really are very helpful.
Hun first I want to say how sorry I am for all that your going thorugh. I know exactly how your feeling right now. You have to do what is best for you and your daughters. In my eyes once a cheat always a cheat. I am glad you took a stand to work on your marriage. If he fails then your last resort is to leave and make things better for you and your girls. Do what makes you happy. I know it hurts and its going to hurt for a long time but in time all that will change. I promise you. Your girls won't be happy if your not happy so please do the right thing and be happy. Sending big hugs to you.
I know you are sad and hurt, but time will heal the pain. Concentrate on your daughters. Mine cheated and now has a 5 month old son. I told him I forgive him and want to make things work, but I can't. I am very unhappy, do not trust him and the child is a constant reminder. I plan on moving on, but am waiting to get my affairs in order. I am sad. I do not want to be without him, but I will never be happy with him now.
I think you would be a fool to stay. Unfortunatly he has voided his wedding vows and thats not your fault. I dont know the full circumstances in this situation but you have to leave him. Im all for making marriage work. But hes not only done this once but twice. He obviously is self consumed that he doesnt care about the hurt he is causing his family and that means children by infedelity. He is a creap and doesnt deserve you as a spouse. Let him go sister and there is someone else better waiting to take the great woman Im sure you are!
You will be so much happier without him! Life is too short to be with someone that hurts you like that, and there are men who would love to be with you and wouldn't feel the need to cheat (ie MEN) Would you say he's like a bad habit? You will always have love in your heart for the good times you've had, and the children you share. Nothing wrong with that. But living a life in sadness is not living, and not a good example or environment for girls growing up, especially.
I'm sorry your in so much pain , and no kidding it will be no easy task getting over him. I know I was asking my self whats wrong with me that he wanted other relationships well and even when i didn't really love him it was just like i had too prove it to my self that he still wanted me that i was likable but and i know you've probably heard this one before time does heal all wounds . I kept going back and he kept on cheating . once a cheater gets away with it they know you will always be their so they can have their cake and eat it too. it has been about a year in a half now and I've even started dateing .

It has really been a hard time a thousand tears no make that 20 thousand tears every time i would see him at child visitation it would practacly kill me I felt so alone and sometimes desperate . I gained 20 pounds feeling sorry for myself then I woke up one morning and just didn't feel anything that pain in my chest was gone I didn't feel like crying . stoped drinking and eating so much ice cream . Lost 14 pounds of the 20 or so . and I'm really starting to feel good about my life I'm still pretty young, Do you have family close by , your mom a sister a sister in law or just a close friend most people just really don't understand how it is I had a sister going threw the same thing and we could really relate cry understand the big green eye monster becaust their were times for both of us that our ex's had girl friends and still do but when i still cared it was the worst. If you don't have any one like that to help e-mail me any time at and i will be glad to help any way i can
Keep your strength, your girls need you, and you are

right to leave him!! Single parenting is better than

unhappy marriage. Good Luck
cheated 2 times in 2.5 years

get some self respect and kick him out

before he gives you aids and kills you
if there is no trust there is no marriage,leave him you will be better off
Girl from someone who's being there let me tell you how is going to be, if he did it twice chances are is that he will always do it, so this are your choices you either love him the way he is or leave him.. you cant fight this it will destroy you.. so pick a choice leave or stay, you can't make people change they have to want to change.. hope everything gets better for you.. try some counseling good luck.
not a girl, but I can relate since my 1st marriage ended after 6+ years when I discovered my ex-wife had been banging her boss (among others). It sounds like your self-esteem is taking a beating since you were cheated on. I know mine did. But men that cheat do it despite how great of a wife they have at home. Men that cheat are ones who need affirmation and the fact they can hook someone else really feeds the ego. Others do it for the same reason some people go sky-diving or bungee jumping. Bottom line: It's not your fault. Cliched, but true. In your situation and mine.

It will get better.
You will get through this! Face forward, don't look back and smile, alot. Knowing, you are on your way to freedom from ever having to feel that resentment, distrust and pain that comes from a cheating spouse.
Every time you are going to cave - think about how much it hurt when he cheated on you, and know that he will keep doing it. The pain you are feeling right now because you are leaving him will eventually go away, and it will empower you later after a little time has passed. If you stay you will keep reliving the pain of an unfaithful husband. Get out and be happy you deserve it and so do your daughters.
I think you have been given some of the best advice from people here in yahoo. Remember there is something to learn in every situation we face, maybe God saw the pain you were suffering and allowed you the strength to divorce. Your ex does not seem to know what a commitment is, nothing any of us will say is going to take the hurt away. You are a strong person, and deserve to be treated with respect, sometimes the things we want are no good for us. Love those precious girls with all your heart, teach them to be ladies and respect themselves. All of our hearts go out to you..
I was married for 30 years to a man that I still love. he cheated on me numerous times, I think he cheated because he was not happy in our marriage. I clung to him trying to make him love me but he just became abusive, alcoholic, and cheated more. I loved him even when I hated him. Just recently I got rid of my anger and bitterness, im still sad but I am on my way to being free to have a new life. you are lucky you're young, don't wait to make your decision. Im 63 and divorced for 1 year.
You have done every thing you could of done. Why don't they get it! We put ourselves out there for them, trust them try to make it work and they turn around and **** on us all over again. I'm so very sorry for you and your girls!!!!!!
When there isn't trust, there isn't love. Be strong for the girls. They need you. I imagine your girls are young. Better to get out now than have him be a role model of what a husband is.

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will find true happiness. I DID!!!
First off, you need to learn to forgive him. Forgiveness does not require you to turn your cheek or condone what he has done. It will provide freedom for you around it.

Next, if he had any interest whatsoever, he really needs to get the impact of his behavior. He is being completely irresponsible and has no honor for his own word. He is a wimp! Send him to take the landmark forum. Go to It is the fastest way I know that has people see who they really are.
you know,,,, you deserve better... get out.
Stay strong. You can get through this, and you WILL.

He does not deserve you. As much as you love him, and as much as he loves you, he cannot treat you like you deserve. You are very smart and strong for getting out now. Just stick with it.

Go out with friends, spoil yourself, and most importantly, don't let him take advantage of youj anymore, emotionally or physically. You will find happiness soon, with or without a man!
Even if you still love him, if you can't trust him, there isn't a solid foundation for a marriage. You may love him forever, but that doesn't mean you can stay together and be happy.

It's going to hurt for a while. Take all the time you need to get through about your feelings, get a counselor if need be, CRY whenever you damn well feel like it. Just worry about getting through today, and take care of tomorrow when tomorrow gets here. Focus on your kids, but don't forget about have a lot of healing to do.

Good luck to you. It's going to be a long road, but you will come out of it okay, life will go on, and you will find someone (when you're ready!!) that you can love AND trust.
I have been in your shoes...although I don't have any kids. I know you love him but you have to love yourself more...for the sake of your daughters and for YOU...

It will be hard but you will also feel so much better if/when you leave him. It will be a huge boost to your self esteem that you're not being his doormat anymore. FInd things that you enjoy to distract yourself and turn to others for support like you are doing now....spend quality time with your daughters or friends/family...that will make it easier. Plan fun things even if you're not in the mood - force yourself. Pamper yourself, too. Bubble baths, paint your nails...anything to keep you feeling good about yourself because you deserve it!

Good luck and stay strong!!

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