Saturday, July 31, 2010

My husband hates to be told what to do. Doesn't want my advice or suggestions. My opinion is moot.?

he sounds like a control freak.

hard to live with or deal with. counseling .. it will help you understand him and he realize what he is doing, hopefully.My husband hates to be told what to do. Doesn't want my advice or suggestions. My opinion is moot.?
I have this problem. My husband will ask me to do something or give me advice and I used to get very upset, take it personally, and internalize it as if he was telling me what I was doing was wrong, or that I wasn't doing enough.

Men have this problem even more so than women. Your feel one or a combination of many things.

First he may feel as if you are trying to control him and tell him how to do things. Second, he may be frustrated and not want to take your advice because he feels that it's his responsibility to take care of things and get them right the first time, so maybe he's more angry with himself than at you. Third, maybe you have hurt his feelings in some way and as a subconscious way of rebelling he has decided no longer to listen to you.

Either way, or whatever the case may be, you need to talk to him. Say, look, I'm not trying to control you or run your life. We're in this marriage together and I'm trying to help you out.

Ask him if he thinks you are crowding him or if he feels that you are demanding too much.

When you ask him to do things or offer advice, what tone do you use? Is it on an equal level with him, is it condescending, are you nagging?

I'm not saying it's you, but do observe how you ask or tell him things in the future. Try to make it more friendly or more buddy buddy.

Either way you two need to talk, and he needs to respect you and take everything you say into consideration. My husband hates to be told what to do. Doesn't want my advice or suggestions. My opinion is moot.?
Most masculine men do not wish to be told what to do. It makes them feel as if you are disrespecting them.

Masuline energy type men primarily wish to be respected. Oppositely, feminine type women primarily wish to be cherished.

I am going to guess that you feel uncherished because he will not listen to you. You are using your femine energy the wrong way. Turn it around and support your husband. Yes, you may not always care for his decisions, but he will cherish you in return for the support that you give him. He is human and will make mistakes. It is not your job to point this out to him.

I promise you.....respect him, and he will in return cherish you and the balance of the power struggle in your marriage will be restored.

How do you start you may ask? Do one nice thing for him each day. Do not critisize him. Support him....and watch how quickly he responds to this by being the unselfish giving man that you married.

Thats definately something to think about if he's your husband.. if he loves you fully your opinion should really matter to him! and you dont have to tell him what to do, all men are different you can give him sound advice and suggesstions with love and tact, and if he still wont listen to you my opinion is that he either doesn't fully respect you or doesn't take you seriously! marriage consists of team work... theres nothing wrong with being submissive because there only can be one coach but.,your opinion and suggestions should definately count to him! dont wait let him know how you feel A.S.A.P!!!!
Then don't give it. If he ask for it later, don't give it to him at all. One day, he will regret that.
the hell with him ' go on a cruise .
Tell him what to do anyway!

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