Thursday, July 29, 2010

My husband and i are considering adoption...need advice?

we have a five month old baby and we wanted to have more, the only thing is that he has cystic fibrosis and we are afraid to have another one and have it have cf. its a 25 % chance. not because i dont want to deal with it but because the affect it could have on both babies, people with cf cant be around each other, it can cause them to pass each other strands and become sicker and i would not want that. so we are considering adopting, but we are kind of nervous, so i wanted so stories or advice from people who have adopted or is adopted. thank you!My husband and i are considering adoption...need advice?
my parents adopted me last friday so about 8 days ago point is i am 15 and i was abused my whole life and adopting an older child is not nessicarily better but we have a lower chance cause everyone wants the babies we are like the old dogs at the shelter everyone wants a new puppy (thats what i just came up with to compare it to) im so much happier however your child is only 5 months so a younger child is more ideal i would say but i am just throwing the olderchild idea out there

pls help;鈥?/a>My husband and i are considering adoption...need advice?
We have 3 children. The oldest is very healthy. The middle aged one has been ill his whole life (thought he had CF till we done genetic testing). He didn't have CF but there are other issues with his immune system. My husband and I decided that we would never have another bio child and risk it having the same condition so we turned to adoption. Actually there were many reasons we choose adoption for our third child but health concerns were a worry. Our daughter (adopted) was special needs because of a facial defect. We knew this before we adopted her. After surgery she is now fine.

I totally get why you are interesting in adoption, BTDT. Good luck.
my husband and i had a beautiful baby girl, but my pregnancy was horrible. we want more children and have decided to adopt our future little ones. i think its a beautiful thing, to have child that is unwanted go to people that want it more than anything. adoption is great..
My parents adopted my sister after my mother suffered several miscarriages. I am closer to my sister than I am to any other person. My parents were worried that I would love her less because we are not ';biologically'; related, but I can honestly say I can't imagine loving a sister more than I love mine.
Please consider foster care before you consider adoption.

Being adopted is a horrible experience, I know, I'm living it.
I know a JW couple who have never been able to adopt....because they are witnesses! Seriously, they are the nicest ever people, but they are not given a chance.
I had looked into adoption recently and was shocked at how expensive it really is. There is a tax credit that right now covers both domestic and international. However, there is talk of making that tax credit only cover domestic foster care or special needs adoptions as that was what the credit was originally intended to do--increase the adoptions of foster and special needs children and therefore lift the burdon off of the state to care for these children. Adoption is a wonderful option if you are able to afford it. Here's some website I ran across about financial assistance and basic facts. Hope it helps and hope you get to adopt.


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