Thursday, July 29, 2010

Husband's jealousy becoming and issue. need advice plz!!?

okay here goes. i need advice on what to do about my husband's jealousy towards my family. he tells me i put them before him and that i always stand up for them and that it makes him jealous because he thinks that i think that they are more important to me than him. it is getting real old. everytime we have a fight he blames them saying that the only reason i am pissed off right now is because of something they did to me not him. he cant stand it when i stick up for them and gets insanely jealous if i do. dont get me wrong. its not like he forbids me to see them or anything its just that he gets upset cause he thinks i think they are important and he wants to be first in my life but i am really attached to my family and this is hard for me. what can i do? do you think he is being ridiculous? thanks for the advice!Husband's jealousy becoming and issue. need advice plz!!?
He is being childish. He is your husband and also a part of your family. Tell him to grow up!!Husband's jealousy becoming and issue. need advice plz!!?
I deal with the same thing and my family takes advantage of my kindness when they ask me to do things they know I will say yes and it pisses him off but you know he is a part of your family now just don't blow him off to go hang out with them. Make sure he is always invited even if you know he doesn't want to go o your family's cookouts, etc...
About all you can do is reassure him that he IS first in your life. If he gets mad about your defending your family, remind him he'd do the same thing if you attacked his.

If none of this really works, then I think some counseling would help this situation a lot.
Does he have a drinking problem?

I'm not trying to be rude, but sometimes alcohol plays a big role in resentments, jealousy, etc.

If he does not have a drinking problem, to me, it's not just about trust, but a change in attitude to bring healthier feelings.

I wish you both well,

Grow up and separate yourself from your family enough to at least give you husband some respect. Or move back home. It cannot work any other way.
First of all....does he get jealous? or annoyed.....because jealous over you and your family is ridiculous. He's in your family now.....good luck with every thing
He needs to understand the tough position he is placing you in by acting this way. Sure, I can understand his wanting to be your ';number 1';....but he cannot expect you to cut ties with your family just because you are married to him!

He sounds immature and insecure.

Try to turn the tables for him to see your point. Ask him how HE would feel if you were the one getting jealous and picking fights just because he visited his family! Unless he understands you have a right to see them, and that you love him as well, you will be living a stressful life.

Perhaps you should consider going to counseling together.

Good luck. People need to learn how to communicate effectively, instead of fighting and arguing.
No, I don't think he is being ridiculous at all. When a man speaks, he wants you to hear/listen to him. When you took your marriage vows, you married HIM not your family. Be concerned with his needs and not the needs of your parents. If he feels like you are sticking up for your family over him...ask yourself...could that be true? It probably is more true than you are willing to see right now. He loves you and adores you. He should be the first priority in your life and if he is not then you should not have gotten married. If his thoughts, ideas, and opinions do not matter why be married. If he wanted to be alone and treated like he doesn't matter don't you think he could have done that as a single man? If this doesn't change he could look for the respect, approval and intimacy that he is craving from you by searching elsewhere. If one refuses to listen to their man there is always another woman who will...

I don't think it's jealousy at all. I think he desires to have his woman be loyal to him first and that is how it should be.

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