About six months ago my husband decided to take me off our joint account. We were in debt and overdrafts up the wall ($1000)plus 7,000 in credit debt. This is totally irresponsible. We have been together 17 years, I have been a stay at home mom through out our marriage. My husband has been in and out of work. He has a difficult time keeping work ( I suspect it might have something to do with chronic lateness) but he swears that has nothing to do with it. He says I am just plain careless with money. This may be somewhat true but not entirely. We have 5 kids and I don't think he understands how expensive it is to supply each childs needs and run a home. I feel like a second class citizen. I have to ask for everything we need. He is somewhat understanding of it but we continue to argue about my being on the account. Is this an irrational fear? Is there any relationships out there that are going through a similar ordeal? I love my husband, but I feel somewhat lost in feeling secure. I also homeschool one child and have a three year old, working outside the home is not an option. I am attending school.Husband removed me from our joint account...need good advice?
Well, beings he wants to be a control freak about the checking, he can be a control freak when it comes time to go grocery shopping, cooking meals, soccer dad and anything else you can think of that you did %26amp; still do, that he doesn't do. My wife and I share everything and keep no secrets from each other. This would not be fair to my wife by taking her name off of stuff. If something happened to me, then how would she know how much we had or what we owed. Your both careless with money from the sounds of it. With the economy the way it is, you may consider getting a part-time job to help him out with the bills. I would find something that pays tips if I were you and save all the cash you can save without telling him. You need to think about you and your children. Also, you never know what the future has in store for you. He may want to divorce you, keep the kids and kick you to the curb. It's time to grow up girl and sacrafice things to support your family. If and when things get better, then go back to college, but right now your family needs you and maybe even your husband even if he doesn't admit it.Husband removed me from our joint account...need good advice?
If your finances have been fixed by this, then as the other answerer said, just suck it up.
If not, then he needs to realize that a marriage is a partnership, not a dictatorship.
FYI other answerers, you CAN remove a person from a joint account. The bank will CLOSE the joint account, and open another one in your name only.
first of all your husband can not take you off a JOINT account. if he told u that he is not telling u the truth. you have to go to the bank yourself to remove your own name. and yeah that's BS. both of y'all need to try better. you have 5 kids to teach things like saving money and how to be a good employee. among a million other things.
The real question here is did he get the finances under control this way? If he did, then suck it up and deal with it until you reach a point that you are working too. When you start to work, put your pay into an account that he doesn't have access to. But until then, go along... if he got the finances under control then that's a good thing. He will quickly realize how the expenses add up on his own.
how could he remove you from the account. It is a federal law that you HAVE to go in there and sign your name off.... I would check into this a bit further.
First and foremost provide receipts for each childs needs. You might need some money managing skills, TRUE, but no excuse of taking the joint account away. He CAN control you because he knows YOU don't have any other source of income besides himself. SO what YOU need to do is ';ACT LIKE'; you are going to find a job, leave him with the kids SENSE YOU DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY FOR DAYCARE ****wink**** and let him stay with the kids ALL DAY. He thinks it's an easy job, because they are just kids, but don't understand because he isn't there ALL DAY with the kids
If you were the one writting the bad checks, and racking up all the overdraft fees, then I think your husband was right in taking you off the account. If you were the one who did it, then you've already shown that you are very irresponsible with money, and that you don't know how to manage your funds very well. I think that at least for now, it would be best for you to not have access to the checking account.. to prevent any further debt.
That being said, if it was BOTH of you who were out writting the checks, and using the credit cards.. then you are BOTH equally responsible, and should work together to get your finances back in order.
I know it must be frustrating to not have access to the checking account. But really, I think that (if you did write the checks) it's the best thing to do, at least for the time being, while you all get your finances back in order.
One more thing - If money is that tight for you all, then you should really look into cutting out whatever unnecessary expenses you have (internet, cable/satellite tv..etc.) until it all gets sorted out.
I wish you the best!
well i dont think its possible for him to remove you fro the account...did u call the bank?!
also he is really being irresponsable , my husband did the same thing...i went to pay for my lunch and i had to write a check b.c he turned my debit card off....
we have 3 kids total ...i think you should do e-bay to make more money i make about$500 in a week..go through your kids old clothes and sell them!!!
also your husband is an idiot(like mine) he needs to realize u dont ahve to ask him for money!!! he should give you what you need for HIS kids!
and thats that!!
or you can tell him to go buy everythign and go get grocerys and walmart and whatever else u use money for.....he wont like that to much(if hes anything like my husband) LOL
If he controls the money, is he also the one that actually does the paying of the bills? Maybe he thinks that you are the soul cause of the debt you are in. Let him have his way and if things don't change then he will see that is was not your fault. If he can get you out of the hole you are in, then you had a lot to do with it.
I have a sister in law that LOVES to spend money, A LOT OF MONEY. My brother had her taken off his account too and he ended up having to open another account in his own name with our mother just to make sure that at least his house payment was made every month. The house is in his name only, they had to file bankruptcy because they almost lost the house because she never paid the payment, he works out of town and is gone for 3 wks out of the month and was not able to keep up with the bills himself due to his job. The sad thing is that he brings home about 2 thousand a week, and she works and brings home quit a bit week yet they are ALWAYS broke and have very few bills. All she is suppose to do is pay the utilities phone, electric, gas, water and she can't even do that because she never has enough money and they are always getting turned off...WHY we just can't figure it out other than the U.P.S. guys coming to their house EVERY DAY dropping off something new.
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