Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Any advice or info on conceiving....me and my husband are really trying to have a baby?

Me and my husband have just recently decided that it is time for us to have a baby. We have been trying for 8 days straight now. I am not due to have my period for another week or so. How long would it take for me to know that I may be pregnant, without having to wait to see if I miss my period. Is it bad to try everyday? And is itpossible that since my period starts within a week or so, could i have missed my ovulation day? any information or advice..anything would help. I guess im am anticipating it so much that i think my mind is playing tricks on me. I keep thinking i am having the symptoms...i may be but i really dont know if it is too soon too tell....Any advice or info on conceiving....me and my husband are really trying to have a baby?
The biggest thing to remember is don't stress. While it IS hard to not worry as you watch each day, week, month pass by, remember that if you stress about it you can throw off your cycle (as similarly stress can cause your period to be delayed).

Also, each month you have a 25% chance of getting pregnant (doesn't sound like much, but it's higher than it seems) so it will happen, just be patient. Premenstrual symptoms can be similar to pregnancy symptoms, and pregnancy symptoms can be mistook for premenstrual symptoms.

There are electronic ovulation testers which can be reused (similar to the electronic pregnancy testers) and maybe more precise at determining when you're ovulating.

Best of luck! :-)Any advice or info on conceiving....me and my husband are really trying to have a baby?
you can only gt pregnant when you ovulate, so I think you are probably past that time window now. However, the last 8 days may have put you at the right time.

I would wait, see if you get your period, test if not. As for next month, you can use lots of web sites (I use web md ovulation calendar) to predict your most fertile period. You can also buy ovulation sticks, which are similar to prego tests, but they tell you when you should do it in order to get pregnant.

Good luck.

Hey sweetie! Ok first of all, when was your last period and how long does you cycle last? The normal is 28 days. A REALLY helpful website that I use is Yourdays.com. It is an ovulation calendar that will tell you EXACTLY when to have sex with your hubby. You can even plan it around trying to have either a boy or girl or either. If you had sex a few times anywhere from day 12-16 after you period you have a good chance that you didn't miss your ovulation! :o)

Make sure you are eating a very healthy diet, exercising (by this I mean you can even just get a good walk 30 mins a day), taking your prenatal vitamins that include Folic Acid, AND... make sure you are not stressing. It takes a young healthy couple anywhere from 6-12 months to get pregnant, or 1 if you're fertile mertle like me, hehe. But stay positive and you two will have a little angel soon! Good luck!
You can test up to 5 days before your next expected period. Often times, though, that is even too early. It is best to wait until your period is actually late to test, and then use your first morning urine.

A woman typically ovulates 14 days after the first day of her period. I've always read it's best to have sex every other day then, not every single day. You may want to start using an OPK(ovulation predictor kit) or something similar to that. I know FertilityFriend.com offers the same thing but online.

Keep in mind that it may take a few months for this to happen. A healthy couple under the age of 35 is told to try for a year before suspecting fertility issues. So don't fret if it doesn't happen right away. Good luck to you! My biggest tip is to have fun with it. Enjoy the time with your husband instead of making it out to be a chore or job.

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