Thursday, July 29, 2010

Husband very possesive and beats wife. want legal advice.?

My friends husband (30 yrs) beats and abuses her every day. Now he has sent a legal notice from T.N jurisdiction and demands her to come home from her parents house within 15 days. Her marriage was in B'lore 1 and half yrs back. husband in b'lore only.We want advice from any lawyer as to how to proceed further.

She lost her baby within 4 days after delivery about 7 months back and he thinks she killed the baby and takes up this issue to beat her.Husband very possesive and beats wife. want legal advice.?
The very first thing she should do is get in contact with her local domestic violence shelter. They have all the resources and legal advice she is going to need. It will also provide her with the professional support she is going to need to repair the damage this horrible man has caused her. Thirty years of continual beating would make this woman feel less than human. This woman has the right to live in peace, not to be beaten every day of her life. I would ignore whatever ';legal'; letters come her way because it is very much against the law for this man to be beating her, so as far as I am concerned, she, more than him, has the law on her side by staying away from this man. It is very costly to go through the judicial system, that is why I impolore her to seek out help from a domestic violence refuge/shelter...they usually have lawyers associated with the organisation that dont cost anything to the victim.

He will use every trick in the book to keep his control over her. She has to remain strong and dont feel guilty about what she is doing. She is doing the right thing, she needs to get as far away from this man as possible. He is nothing less than a dirty dog as far as I am concerned and how he can call himself a man is totally beyond me. He is nothing more than a bully who is only strong when he is beating defenseless women.....a real man doesnt do that. I really feel for this woman, for not only has she been enduring his physical beatings, the emotional damage he would have done to her would be absolutely mind blowing. That is why she needs help from people who are experienced and qualified in dealing with issues like your friend is going through.

Having lost her baby is only another trick he is using to make her feel guilty. Whatever happened with the baby is irrelevant and is his tool for making her believe she deserves to be beaten and made to feel like a total piece of sheet. She needs professional support from people who know what they are doing....they will lead her in the right direction. A Lawer only knows the law...they are not aware, nor do they care of the psychological dammage this woman has suffered, and unless her mental health as well as her physical health is attended to, then there is every chance she will go back to him. She needs a lot of healing for her to gain the strength to know that his is the one committing the crimes and she is the victim. She probably believes she deserves to be treated like this...most victims of domestic violence do believe it and it is only when they get out and get the professional help they need do they realise they dont deserve any of it. It is only then will her life start to take a turn for the better. Whilever she is allowing him to blame her, then she will always feel guilty...always feel to blame for the reasons he beats her. She is not to blame for any of this. Her husband is a sick individual, even animals dont treat others that way, if they kill, they do it quickly and humanely and they dont torture their victims for the hell of it. This man only gets his power from beating women. If its not her, it would be someone else...this man (and I use the term loosely) has a huge problem and has made her think that it is her problem. It is not, she cant help him. The only person she can help is herself. He will never be brought to justice whilever she condones his behaviour.

Please, if your friend wont do it, you do it. Ring your local domestic violence organisation now...she needs the help now.

I wish you the very best.Husband very possesive and beats wife. want legal advice.?
OMG that poor woman, I would call the police station and ask if there is anything the police can do to get her out of the situation. And once she is safe then contact a lawyer.

I wish your friend the very best and my heart goes out for her.
Legal move out and get a woman lawyer to help you, because its going to become worse. Leave the a ho..
she needs to enter into a shelter which is called protive serives and get a restraing order. and file for divorce on the grounds of mental as abuse. this is fact as well law as well. ?
setup a hidden camera and tape the beating. then send the video to the police and YouTube.
he is probably going to kill this woman.1st get a restraining order it is only a paper if i were her i would get some states between me and him,ive been there and it is hard to get out.and we always go back when he convinces us he loves us and he will change for us thats how much he loves us.she needs alot of space and alot of time between them.long enough to kick the habit because its like an addiction the drama the roller coaster of the adrenaline of the fight then the extra love and affection after when you are hurt bruised bleeding and dont think anyone else will have you with your physical and mental scars.all a lawyer can do is draw up the papers.we have to do the wanting it to end.there is no knight in shining armore we have to save ourselves hopfully before it is to late.i pray for your friend.its obvious that she has someone that cares.there is the battered womens shelter they do help.they will hide her.i wish i could help more.
She needs to tell him to shove his legal papers up his *** he can not make her come home.. If she doesn't want to.. why would she stay with this man he is going to kill her evetually if she doesn't stay gone.. Good Luck i know its a hard situation for you to be in i do not speak to my best friend of many years because she likes men that beat her she just called my mother to tell her her bf had put her in the hospital for 3 days i feel sorry for her but if they choose to live like this there isn't much you can do about it
Do You know where the door is ? Walk out it and do not look back.
ok talk to him an dtell him that what ever killed the baby was not her[ or at least i think she didnt] but first ask the wife how the baby dies then when you talk to teh husband then have w sit down with the 2 of them . hope it works if the hasband keeps beting teh wife anyways then call the cops for domestic asult hop it works.

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